Learn More About ASVC

graphic with arrows and a girl looking through a spyglass with text that reads Be the leader you were meant to be

The Associated Students
of Ventura College (ASVC)

Going to VC next year? Do you want to develop professional skills, gain leadership experience, and form meaningful friendships? Consider applying for a position on the Associated Students of Ventura College (ASVC) Board of Directors for 2024-2025! With 12 positions available, there’s something to pique everyone’s interest.

  • Want to learn how to better manage teams, meetings, or projects? You may be a good candidate for ASVC Vice President.
  • Interested in overseeing over $1.2M in funds? Apply for the ASVC Director of Finance.
  • Care about the diversity, equity and inclusion initiatives? Run for ASVC Director of Equity and Inclusion to advocate for student needs.
  • Want to learn how to coordinate and manage large events? Become the next ASVC Director of Events and Activities.